Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord! Psalm 144:15
What a freeing truth to be able to walk in… Our happiness isn’t and shouldn’t ever be dependent on another person’s actions or inaction, physical possessions or positional status.
Jesus said that no man could take His life, but He willingly laid it down - for us.
Jesus died that we might have life and have an even more abundant life. He came suffered, bled, died and resurrected in order for us to be returned to wholeness. The season for living a fractured life and lifestyle is over…if we choose it to be.
We are told that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves….We must first love ourselves. This is not a narcissistic love, but a self-love acknowledging our short comings, while we learn to grasp God’s great love and care for us.
When we were yet imperfect -- far from God, Jesus died for us, took our place. He that knew no sin became sin for us, so that we, who knew no abundant life, might know abundant life….
Today is the day….to move on…to live on….to be at peace with yourself and the world. Whatever or whoever you have thought might have the power over your happiness, I want to challenge you to reexamine the situation. Let God be Lord in your relationships, your finances, and your asperations….
Then happiness will not be an unattainable state, but a house in which you can live!
Learning to Love Myself
You held love outside the reach of me
You held it out, out over the balcony
I found myself striving to touch your love
Far outside of what I could touch
I was leaning, leaning, leaning too much
I felt gravity grip my heart
And giving into the pull
I feel like a fool
For I fell from that high high ledge
That is when I found myself--
In a heap of sorrow--a mound of mess
My heart scratched and bloody and bruised
That is the place--
Where I had to face--
The reality, I only could choose
That I must first find a love for me--
Not centered upon an unrealistic need--
For I know, I will never leave myself
For I alone must begin--
This journey of giving again--
Love to my own broken heart
For no one else can give, what I do not possess
So possess I will, as I learn to heal--
I am not bitter- or angry- or mad
I forgive with grace-- as I arise from this place
And learn to love myself
What a freeing truth to be able to walk in… Our happiness isn’t and shouldn’t ever be dependent on another person’s actions or inaction, physical possessions or positional status.
Jesus said that no man could take His life, but He willingly laid it down - for us.
Jesus died that we might have life and have an even more abundant life. He came suffered, bled, died and resurrected in order for us to be returned to wholeness. The season for living a fractured life and lifestyle is over…if we choose it to be.
We are told that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves….We must first love ourselves. This is not a narcissistic love, but a self-love acknowledging our short comings, while we learn to grasp God’s great love and care for us.
When we were yet imperfect -- far from God, Jesus died for us, took our place. He that knew no sin became sin for us, so that we, who knew no abundant life, might know abundant life….
Today is the day….to move on…to live on….to be at peace with yourself and the world. Whatever or whoever you have thought might have the power over your happiness, I want to challenge you to reexamine the situation. Let God be Lord in your relationships, your finances, and your asperations….
Then happiness will not be an unattainable state, but a house in which you can live!
Learning to Love Myself
You held love outside the reach of me
You held it out, out over the balcony
I found myself striving to touch your love
Far outside of what I could touch
I was leaning, leaning, leaning too much
I felt gravity grip my heart
And giving into the pull
I feel like a fool
For I fell from that high high ledge
That is when I found myself--
In a heap of sorrow--a mound of mess
My heart scratched and bloody and bruised
That is the place--
Where I had to face--
The reality, I only could choose
That I must first find a love for me--
Not centered upon an unrealistic need--
For I know, I will never leave myself
For I alone must begin--
This journey of giving again--
Love to my own broken heart
For no one else can give, what I do not possess
So possess I will, as I learn to heal--
I am not bitter- or angry- or mad
I forgive with grace-- as I arise from this place
And learn to love myself