Watch night...watchman on the wall... Watcher at His feet ....Can you not watch with me one hour?
What are we watching for? What is the agenda? More importantly, what is His heart?
Mary the mother of God stood in a crowd of discontented people watching Jesus and directing people to listen & do what ever He said....
Mary, lazarus' sister sat at the feet of Jesus while Martha buzzed around doing the obvious, the practical.....still Mary watched....she waited ...for a word, a nod, a leading
My good friend Dr Clarice says don't start a work without a word... I know this to be a God truth, but I still find myself moved by human sympathy instead of Godly compassion..
Human sympathy is not evil...but it is not miraculous--it is based upon my own strength and my own supply. The people of Babel were able to build an incredible tower...but it wasn't God had the essence of success because it was grand, but was it Great?
Was what Martha doing, but Jesus said Mary chose the best, the greatest....choosing the best is choosing not to be busy with doing, but choosing to be fully engaged in the watching & waiting for His leading--a life dependent on being saturated in His presence---atuned to his acquainted to a certain sound that nothing can distract you from the course of being about your Father's business---in that place is the miraculous- because proximity to His presence is power.
We can be fully engaged in relationships...listening not only to people.. but listening to God's direction on how we can add to a relationship .. We can be true watchers who aren't just building a tower or our own kingdom, but listeners who grab words then turn them to actions-- actions that have the taste and touch of the miraculous --that lead to an injection of Gods presence into an ordinary situation...then we are ordinary people doing extraordinary things!